About Ageing Rapper Vex

Some quick-fire questions to help those who are wondering exactly who Ageing Rapper Vex is, and why he is releasing his debut album at such an "advanced" age for an emcee.

Describe your sound!

A supporter recently described my sound as such: "My main takeaways from your total catalog are that you are clearly a playful comical savage romantic, you sincerely love your children more than life itself. You are a spiritual seeker. There is a whole lot of raw, real, and real talent man! Your flow and lyricism on everything is outstanding!" That's alright innit! I think that's a pretty decent sum up of my stuff. There's no one from the UK to compare me to as far as sound and voice. Best to just jump in and listen.

Are you UK or what mate? 

I'm a born and bred Lutonian, which I never thought was such an egregious admission until I register the abject horror on people's faces when I tell them my place of origin. For the last eight or so years I've been living in Leicester because of my wife's boobs. I have full Jamaican blood but by this point, I'm more brit than Jamaican if I'm honest - I mean have you heard me?

Why are you so stupid and old? Rapping at this age?

Well, I'm not stupid, and really not actually old to be fair. I'm currently 41. I don't consider myself "old" until I'm like 60. I'm rapping at 41 because I stopped when I was 26 to follow a religion, and never took it seriously since then. So hopefully you now feel guilty mocking religion, and age - and race. Bad person you are, and stupid!

Where is the best place to STEAL your music from?

Please don't, you can stream my latest Album "Before The Book Of Daniel" on iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify, and all that. You can also find my older mixtapes (albums over pinched beats taken from other producers - but not sold) on my Bandcamp page here.

Are you like Stomzy?

Imagine an older, fatter significantly less popular, pretty much actually unknown "Stormzy" who raps over early 2000 style beats, is more lyrical, much less cool, and sounds nothing like him, that's me. Shout out to Stomzy

You're writing a book apparently? What is it about? Cakes and pies?

Definitely, also it's about my life. As death extends its clammy grasp closer to my pudgy neck day by day, I think what have I really left my children beside a litany of offensive raps and some dosh stuffed in their accounts? I can do more, hence the book which the new album "Before The Book Of Daniel" serves as a prequel as sorts for. Part Autiobigraphy for my children, and the second half, a set of mysterious writings set to stun and amaze!!!

Why did you rap about Nigella Lawson making cocaine for you?

Here's why... 60 years old in this picture! TIDY. (not sexist)

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